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Virtual Wroxton Reunion

For the fall '99 class, who are busy, scattered, but wonderful people who sometimes get curious about each other's lives. Turn your card, and your card only. But post whenever you want.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

From Angela

Shirley died this morning, September 7, at Katherine House hospice, near Banbury. As you probably all know, she had been ill for some time but had put up a pretty good fight right until the end. Dave and Shirley's children have been with her round the clock over the past week as her condition deteriorated. I'm really going to miss her and realise that lots of former Wroxton students/regular visitors/etc. will do too and I'd be really grateful if you would pass on this terribly sad news to anyone who you think might wish to know.

With every best wish, Angela

Cards can be sent to:

Dave Williams
The Lodge
Wroxton College
Wroxton nr. Banbury
OX15 6PX


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